A Wyandottes hen


10 Most popular layers poultry breeds in the world

min read

There are a wide variety of poultry breeds reared for egg production around the world.

In this article we highlight some of the most popular layers poultry breeds. Note that this list is not exhaustive. Depending on where you live, it might be you’ve never heard of these breeds. That is why we would like you to leave us a comment and tell us what layers breeds are popular or common in your country.

If you’re just getting started we may interest you in how to pick the best poultry breed.

Most breeds have several chicken color variations. Some color variations can be popular over others. When this is the case, a certain color for a breed can be mistaken as the breed itself.

The breeds’ fact sheets presented below contain color variation when applicable for clarity.

10 popular layers poultry breeds


Leghorn poultry breeds
Leghorn rooster and hen
a.k.aWhite Leghorn, Livorno, Livornese
AppearanceSkin: yellow
Comb type: single or rose
Colors: black, white, brown (light and dark), Rose comb light, rose comb white, single comb buff, silver, red, black-tailed red, and Columbian, rose comb black, buff, silver, and golden duckwing
TemperamentCalm, flighty
Size and weightHen: up to 2.5 kg
Cockerel: up to 3.4 kg
Egg production280 – 320 eggs per year
Egg color: white
Leghorn fact sheet


A flock of Australorp chicks
A flock of Australorp chicks
a.k.aBlack Australorp, Australian Orpington
AppearanceSkin: white
Comb type: single
Colors: black, white and blue
Size and weightHen: up to 3.1 kg
Cockerel: up to 4.1 kg
Egg production300+ eggs per year
Egg color: brown
Australorp fact sheet


Buff Orpington hen
Buff Orpington hen
AppearanceSkin: white
Comb type: single
Colors: black, blue laced, white, buff, red, buff black laced, barred, buff Columbian, and birchen
Size and weightHen: up to 3.6 kg
Cockerel: up to 4.5 kg
Egg production 150 – 200 eggs per year
Egg color: brown
PurposeMulti purpose: Egg, Meat, Show
Orpington fact sheet

New Hampshire

New Hampshire chicken
New Hampshire chicken
OriginAmerican (N.H. White – German)
AppearanceSkin: yellow
Comb type: single
Colors: red, white and blue-tailed red
Size and weightHen: up to 3 kg
Cockerel: up to 3.9 kg
Egg production ~220 eggs per year
Egg color: brown
PurposeDual purpose: Egg, Meat
New Hampshire Red fact sheet

Plymouth Rock

Poultry breed: A Plymouth Rock Hen
A Plymouth Rock Hen
a.k.aRock, Barred Rock
AppearanceSkin: yellow
Comb type: single
Colors: barred, blue, buff, Columbian, partridge, silver-penciled and white
Size and weightHen: up to 2.9 kg
Cockerel: up to 3.4 kg
Egg production ~200 eggs per year
Egg color: brown
PurposeDual purpose: Egg, Meat
Plymouth Rock fact sheet


Speckled sussex hen
Speckled sussex hen
AppearanceSkin: yellow
Comb type: single
Colors: brown, buff, coronation, light, red, silver, speckled and white
TemperamentCalm, curious
Size and weightHen: up to 3.2 kg
Cockerel: up to 4.1 kg
Egg production 180 – 200, some variants: 250 – 300 eggs per year
Egg color: tinted
PurposeMulti purpose: Egg, Meat, Show
Sussex fact sheet


Poultry breed: A Wyandottes hen
A Wyandottes hen
a.k.aAmerican Sebright
AppearanceSkin: yellow
Comb type: rose
Colors: black, blue, blue laced, buff, buff laced, Columbian, golden laced, partridge, red, silver laced, silver penciled, and white 
Size and weightHen: up to 3.2 kg
Cockerel: up to 4 kg
Egg production200 eggs per year
Egg color: brown
PurposeMulti purpose: Egg, Meat, Show
Life expectancy5 -12 years
Wyandottes fact sheet – Learn more about Wyandottes

Rhode Island Red

Rhode Island Red Rooster
Rhode Island Red Rooster
a.k.aRhode Islands
AppearanceSkin: yellow
Comb type: single or rose
Size and weightHen: up to 3 kg
Cockerel: up to 3.9 kg
Egg production260 eggs per year
Egg color: brown
PurposeDual purpose: Egg, Meat
Rhode Island Red fact sheet

Red Sex Link

a.k.aSex Link
AppearanceSkin: yellow
Comb type: –
TemperamentQuiet, gentle
Size and weightHen: up to 3 kg
Cockerel: up to 3.9 kg
Egg production260 – 300 eggs per year
Egg color: brown
PurposeSingle and dual purpose: Egg, Meat
Red Sex Link fact sheet


AppearanceSkin: yellow
Comb type: pea
Colors: black, blue, blue wheaten, brown red, buff, silver, wheaten and white
Size and weightHen: up to 2.5 kg
Cockerel: up to 2.9 kg
Egg production250 eggs per year
Egg color: different shades of blue
PurposeDual purpose: Egg, Meat
Ameraucana fact sheet

Further reading

Checkout 10 dual purpose poultry breeds, top 10 chicken breeds for beginners and 10 chicken breeds for your farm, for more information.

You may also fancy Morning Chores’ article on breeds laying upto 300 eggs per year. And who knows, while you are at it, you might be interested in poultry breeds that are reared for ornamental purposes.