White and Brown Silkie birds

6 Weird poultry breeds you can raise for ornamental purposes

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Poultry breeds come in different sizes and looks. While chicken are mostly raised for egg and meat production, there are some breeds that are raised for other purposes. Other purposes may include, feather products, ornamental purposes and even aesthetics.

Yes, some poultry breeds are kept for their looks. In some countries chicken beauty pageants or competitions are held.

Silkies, Brahmas, Ameraucana, Cochin, Polish and Frizzle breeds are so unique in their looks that we suspect they are reared primarily for ornamental purposes.

6 Weird poultry breeds

1. Silkie

The Silkie breed is also known as Silky or Chinese Silk Chicken. The Silkie breed is know for its fluffy feathers which are said to feel like silk. Usually, Silkies are reared as an exhibition bird. Among the breeds unique characteristics are black skin, blue earlobes and fluffy feathers.

Silkies are classified as a Bantam breed in some places, and even considered as some kind of a fowl. Moreover, they are relatively small bodied in comparison to other poultry birds. Additionally, Silkies are incapable of flight due to their lack of functioning barbicels in their feathers.

Silkie birds are calm and friendly temperament and one of the most docile poultry breeds

2. Brahma

Brahma chicken are an American breed, bred in the US from imported Chinese birds. Earlier on, Brahmas were the preferred chicken for meat production in the US until 1930s. However, newer breeds that grew faster and put on muscle mass became a preference.

Braham chicken – Chickensandmore.com

Brahma chickens are relatively large in size, and have a pea comb and a short beak. Moreover, they have a dense plumage, and have feathered legs. Generally, Brahmas are considered friendly, and calm.

Some recognized Brahma colors include Light, Dark, and Buff. More on Brahmas.

3. Ameraucana

Ameraucana is an American breed bred from Chilean Araucana. Notably, it is a breed that is tolerant of cold and winter weather.

Weird poultry breeds: Ameraucana chicken
Ameraucana chicken – Knowyourchickens.com

Ameraucana have a pea comb, is tailed and bearded. Interestingly, Ameraucana lay blue eggs. Moreover, they have several recognized color variants including Black, Blue, Blue wheaten, Brown red, Buff, Silver, Wheaten, and White.

4. Cochin

Cochins are considered an Asian breed. Additionally, they are also referred to as Cochin China. In general, Cochins relatively appear larger due to their dense and soft feather covering on their bodies, legs and toes.

Some of colors recognized for Cochins include Black, Blue, Buff, Patridge, Gold laced, Silver laced and Brown.

Since Cochins are known as a calm breed, they are an ideal for rearing. However, Cochins are slow to come of age, and may take upto 2 years to mature.

5. Polish

Here’s a poultry breed that looks like it just walked straight outta fashion show.

The Polish or Poland breed is characterized by its crest of feathers. More often than not, Polish birds are primarily reared for ornamental purpose.

There are both bearded and non-bearded and frizzle varieties. Furthermore, the crest can grow excessively large to a point where it limits their vision. Although, Polish birds are tame, they can be timid or frightened easily.

6. Frizzle

The Frizzle birds are characterized by called frizzled feathers that curl outward instead of lying flat as is the case with other chicken. However, Frizzles is not a breed in itself but a variety within certain breeds such as the Cochin, Pekin and Polish.

Frizzles are thought to be the result of selective breeding for exhibition, though not all Frizzles have frizzled feathers. Nonetheless, there are a number of recognized Frizzle colors. For instance these include black, blue, buff, white and red.


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