Caged vs aviary poultry systems

Cages vs aviary systems: Which one is the better?

min read

Cages vs aviary systems, this is yet another of those choices you may have to make if you’re a poultry farmer. Both of these are intensive poultry systems, and choosing the right one for your farm can have an impact on your bottom line.

As you may already know, there are several poultry housing systems. In addition, each of these systems have their own pros and cons. Deciding between them can be a daunting task.

Nonetheless, we hope to provide you with a quick tabular comparison of caged vs aviary poultry systems.

Cages vs aviary systems defined

Cage poultry system

Briefly, in a cage or battery housing system, birds are kept in small compartments or cages. Usually, these are fixed to stands, and have feed and water delivery systems attached to them. 

Cages vs aviary systems
Caged vs aviary poultry systems

Aviary poultry system

Aviary housing system is also known as multi-tier system. In an aviary, living spaces are organized into multiple levels. Moreover, an aviary affords more space for movement to birds. 

Cages vs aviary systems compared

Caged / battery systemAviary system
System classificationIntensiveIntensive
Capital requirementsHighHigh
Land requirementsLowLow
Living spaceCagesStacked aviaries
Feed conversion ratio (FCR)ApplicableApplicable
Scientific method applicationEffectiveEffective
Biosecurity measuresHighly effectiveEffective
Produce safety??
Labor needsVery high / Automate-ableVery high
Animal welfare perceptionMediumMedium
Produce perceptionConventionalConventional
A quick 101 comparison of caged vs aviary poultry systems

Lastly but not least, note that your decision might be influenced by factors outside your control. Such factors include, market perception and demand, and applicable farming regulations.

Below is a brief comparison of egg production rates of aviary and cage systems. See our in-depth article that summarises a study that compared aviary and cage poultry systems.

Best poultry housing systems: a comparison of productivity
Best poultry housing systems: A comparison of egg production in different poultry systems

For a more in depth comparison of caged vs aviary poultry systems consider:

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