Deep litter poultry housing system

Deep litter poultry system: Pros and cons you need to know

min read

Deep litter poultry system is just one of many poultry systems that you can implement in your farm. All poultry systems have their own benefits and drawbacks. Therefore, it is important to know the pros and cons of each in order to pick a system most suitable for your farm.

This article looks at the pros and cons of deep litter poultry system in order to give you a quick understanding of the details. Furthermore, this should enable you to determine if deep litter is the best poultry system for you.

Deep litter poultry system defined

In a deep litter housing system, litter from birds is allowed to accumulate on the floor, which is the living surface. Since it is a conventional system, birds live indoors for their entire lives.

Deep litter poultry system: A flock of brown chicken feeding

Initially, bedding material such as saw dust or wood shavings covers the ground. Since the flock lives in the space, it accumulates litter. Consequently, this forms a deep litter which the system is named after.

Pros and cons of deep litter poultry system

This comparison of the pros and cons of deep litter poultry system is by no means not comprehensive. Nonetheless, it gives a good overview of the benefits and drawbacks of the system to enable you to make an informed choice.

Note that the pros and cons do not contrast on a one-to-one basis. Rather, the differences are in the details.

Initial setup is relatively easy than other intensive poultry systemsLitter monitoring and management is required to prevent:
– Moisture and ammonia build up
– High dust levels
– Parasite and pests accumulation

A lack of proper litter management can result to poor health and disease such as dermatitis and coccidiosis.
Supports the application of a scientific poultry farming methodsBirds may lay eggs on the ground making egg collection a challenge
No need for regular floor cleaning or litter removal Birds have no access to the outdoors
Litter provides dust-bathing materialLower consumer perception in contrast to extensive poultry systems
Litter provides insulation which helps with regulating floor temperature in the coop
More efficient than extensive poultry systems. Many birds can be raised on a small piece of land
Supports the application of biosecurity measures
Supports the application of feed conversion ratio (FCR)
A quick overview of pros and cons in deep litter poultry system

Of course, your choice of a poultry system may be determined by other factors besides those mentioned here. Such factors may include poultry farming regulation, access to land and finance, among others.

Since we intend to keep this article updated, let us know in the comments section if we’ve missed something.

You may also be interested in how others compare the benefits and drawbacks of the deep litter system.

Deep litter vs other systems

If you are not yet set on deep litter as the system of choice for your farm, you will be interested in its comparison with other poultry systems. Here are a few articles in that regard:

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