Free range vs caged poultry systems

Free range vs caged poultry systems: Which one is better?

min read

Since you are trying to decide between free range vs caged poultry systems, you’ve come to the right place.

However, your decision will not be simple and straight forward. That is because you need to take a number of factors into consideration. Furthermore, you may need to consider factors beyond yourself. For instance, applicable regulations, market demand and perception.

Nonetheless, we hope you will get useful information to support your decision.

Free range vs caged poultry systems: Free range chickens behind the fence
Free range chicken behind a fence

Free range vs caged poultry systems

If you’re not familiar with these systems, refer to poultry housing systems for an in depth description. In addition, note that these comparison is not exhaustive. However, it does provide a basis for understanding and pitting free range vs caged poultry systems.

Free rangeBattery cage
ClassificationExtensive poultry systemIntensive poultry system
Capital requirementsLowHigh
Feed conversion ratio (FCR)N/AApplicable
Scientific method applicationLowHigh
Biosecurity measuresLowHighly effective
Produce safetyMedium: birds may be preyed by predators. Eggs laid in pasture may be lostHigh
Labor needsLowVery high / Automate-able
Animal welfare perceptionHighLow
Market perceptionHigh / OrganicLow / Conventional
A quick 101 comparison of extensive and intensive poultry systems

As mentioned above, note that this comparison is not exhaustive. Moreover, you may have to consider other factors such as applicable regulations, market perception and demand. Nonetheless, we hope this tabular comparison gives you a basis to make your decision.

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