Free range vs deep litter

Free range vs Deep litter: Which one is best for you?

min read

The choice between free range vs deep litter poultry housing system depends on a number of factors. For instance, access to land, and the need to administer scientific farming methods are key factors when choosing a poultry housing system.

Additionally financial element may affect the choice of poultry housing system you select for your chicken. In deep litter for example, birds rely solely on purchased feed while in free range, they more or less feed on vegetation.

Free range vs deep litter: brown and black hen with peep of chick outdoor

However, the choice for which system you implement could come down to personal preference.

Free range vs Deep litter

In this comparison of free range vs deep litter poultry housing system, we will do a tabular format and score these systems by quick comparison points.

Free range (Pastured)Deep litter
System classificationExtensiveIntensive
Capital requirementsLow: e.g. no need to buy feedsHigh
Land considerationsThe more the birds, the bigger the land requiredCan raise a huge flock on a small piece of land
Coop sizeSmaller: birds are only housed at nightBigger: birds spend their lives indoors
Nutrition value Richer: birds access a variety of vegetation, bugs, etcDependent on feed provided
Body weightBirds will gain and maintain a body weight attuned to their movement throughout the dayBirds can gain and maintain higher body weight since they do not have to move as much
Feed conversion ratio (FCR)Calculable
Scientific method applicationNot as effectiveEffective
Produce safetyRisk of losing birds to prey. Eggs laid in pastures are likely to be lostSafe – minimal risk of predation. Chicken may however prey on each other
Labor needsRelatively lowHigh
Market perceptionAnimal welfare compatible Conventional
A quick 101 comparison of free range and deep litter poultry system

In essence, every poultry housing system has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Free range vs deep litter: Deep litter poultry housing system

As a poultry farmer you want to be well informed, and taking into considerations your resources and preferences choose a system that you feel will best work for you.