A poultry management app is essential in the era of data based poultry farming. There are several benefits that you can accrue from a poultry management app. In addition to tracking flock performance, you will be able to optimize your farming practices for high yields.
In a nutshell, a poultry app simplifies flock management and record keeping, so you can focus on farming.
You should keep flock records, otherwise you will have no idea how your flocks are performing and will result to guesswork in making farming decisions. Unfortunately, this is a recipe for disaster.

In this article, when we talk about poultry management apps, we are particularly taking about apps that you can run on your phone. That is on your Android or iPhone devices.
What is a poultry management app?
A poultry management app enables you to log and track flock’s performance in a simple yet effective way. Among other things, poultry management apps can support the tracking of the following:
- Number of birds at a given time
- Mortality and liveability rates
- Feeding and vaccination schedules
- Egg production and production rate
- Coop conditions
- Veterinary consultations
- Expenses – feed, housing, transport, etc
- Sales – eggs, birds, manure, etc
With Kukufarm app, you can manage your poultry farm and track flock performance aspects including mortality and liveability, finances and egg production. Moreover, you can share your farm with co-farmers, which simplifies record keeping. Stay tuned because we have some powerful features in the pipeline.
Poultry management apps on PlayStore and AppStore
Here is a list of poultry management apps as of Apr 2024.
How to determine which poultry management app is best for you
Here is a short list of how you can determine what poultry management app may be best for you. We obviously would like to recommend Kukufarm. However, we think you should compare and choose what best suits your needs.
Our criteria, by which you can determine what poultry app is best for you includes 4 factors. Namely: Ease of use, features, pricing and platform availability. We discuss these briefly.

1. Ease of use
The first step in determining what app is best for you is trying it out and seeing if it is easy to understand and use. Basically, most apps in PlayStore and AppStore are either free of have a free version. Therefore, you can download and try out as many apps as you would like.
2. Features
Most flock record keeping apps have more or less the same functionality. That is, you can log and track the same kind of data about your flock.
Some apps, like Kukufarm, make it possible for a farmer to share their flock records with their co-owners or farm managers. Furthermore, on other apps, you can track the amount of feed and water consumed by a flock on a daily basis.

Needless to say, you need to test out the apps and see which one provides features that you need and find most useful.
For a quick overview of an app’s functionality, find the app in PlayStore or AppStore and read its description. Moreover, you can also view apps’ screenshots on respective app stores to get a quick idea of what an app does or can do.
3. Pricing
Last but not least is the cost of the app. Different flock management and record keeping apps have different pricing strategies. App subscriptions are usually targeted at commercial poultry farmers who can pay extra to unlock and use premium features.
Most poultry apps offer premium features on subscription models. Here is a quick overview of current subscription fees for poultry apps.
Moreover, some apps have a free trial on their paid plans. You should take advantage of these and test all functionality to determine what app would suit your needs.

4. Platform availability
Ultimately you want to get an app that works on your phone’s platform. That is, if you are using an Android device, then your choices are limited to what is available in PlayStore, and if on iOS, then to AppStore.
In the best case scenario, you will find an app that is built both for iOS and Android, which means your device choices are not limited.
We are pretty sure you can also find poultry apps on Huawei’s App Gallery. Unfortunately, we have not looked there of late so we cannot guarantee it.

5. Reviews and ratings
App reviews and ratings do tell something about an app, but they do not always tell the whole story. However, you can refer to reviews to see what users have said about their experience with an app.
Although reviews and ratings do give an idea about an app, we strongly recommend that you check out the app yourself. Do not be surprised if you find that your experience of an app does not its match reviews and ratings.
Since it is you who will be using the app, it is you who should make the choice of the app to use. That decision should be based on your due diligence. In other words, after all is said, download a couple of apps at least and test them out.

Key takeaways
- Keeping poultry records is an essential part of poultry farming. Flock records enable the you to track a flock’s performance over its lifetime.
- You can use flock management and record keeping mobile apps to log flock records.
- Most poultry management apps have free versions, paid plans, and 1 month free trial of paid features. Before buying an app, download it and test as much of its functionality to determines its suitability for your data keeping needs.
- Let us know – in the comments below – if you’d like an in depth review or comparison of poultry management apps. If you like we can also help you select one suitable to your needs.
One more thing
In order to get you quickly started with Kukufarm, we’ve shared some Kukufarm tutorial videos on Youtube. If you find Kukufarm useful, give us a review on PlayStore or AppStore depending on your device’s platform.
What works well? What is missing? Send us comments and questions, and we will get back to you. For more info and updates on Kukufarm, follow us on Tiktok, Instagram, Facebook and Youtube.

If you’re already using Kukufarm, see how you can add co-farmers to your farm via the app, to simplify farm management and record keeping. However, if you’re not yet keeping poultry records, see why and how you can get started with poultry records.