Archived flocks are tagged with respective poultry system - Kukufarm app

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How to set a coop’s poultry system on Kukufarm

min read

We just added a little nifty feature on Kukufarm, you can now tag your coop with a respective poultry system. Tagging a coop also means flocks archived from that coop will also be tagged accordingly.

Tagging a coop and therefore a flock by respective poultry system will enable you to track and compare flock performance by poultry systems. Interestingly, this will enable you to make future poultry farming decisions based on actual data.

How to set a coop’s poultry system

Setting a coop’s poultry system is so simple we will just show you by video.

How to set a coop’s poultry system

Why tag a coop by poultry system?

There at least 3 reasons why you should set a coop’s poultry system. Firstly, it enables you to track flock performance by poultry system. Secondly, it enables you to compare flock performance across different poultry systems. Last but not least, this makes you a more informed farmer and enables you to practice data based poultry farming.

Track flock performance by coop system

We think the ability to tag a coop by a poultry system, is simple but powerful. Tagging your coop and thus flock with respective system will enable you to have actual performance data by coop system.

Firstly, it enables you to tag your coops accordingly, if you’re running a number coops with different poultry systems.

A coop set to deep litter poultry system - Kukufarm poultry app
A coop set to deep litter poultry system – Kukufarm poultry app

Compare flock performance by coop system

Since you will now be able track flock performance by poultry system, you can therefore be able to flock performance across poultry systems. Furthermore, your comparison will be more accurate since the conditions and your poultry breeds are local.

We have summarised 2 studies that compared egg production rates in aviary and cage systems. One of summaries was on a paper by F.X. Phillippe et. al. and the other by Mathews and Sumner. Notably, the outcomes of these studies were indicative but not conclusive. At least not for you because, you are likely in a different region, raising a different poultry breed or strain, in a different climate and so on. You get the idea.

Archived flocks are tagged with respective poultry system - Kukufarm app
Archived flocks are tagged with respective poultry system – Kukufarm app

Practice data based poultry farming

Moreover, if you have not settled on a poultry system, you can now consult with local farmers and see how different poultry systems compare. This will enable you to make an informed decision on what poultry system may be best for you.

However, note that it is not enough to implement a poultry system based on costs, and productivity rates, alone. Animal welfare is a huge issue regulation and market wise. For instance, in the EU cage systems face a ban as early as 2027.

8 common poultry systems

On a quick reminder, there are at least 8 poultry systems that are commonly used around the world. These are categorised as intensive or extensive as shown below.

Extensive poultry systemsIntensive poultry systems
Free rangeDeep litter
Semi intensiveSlatted floor
Folding UnitsAviary
Battery cage
Enriched cage

For your interest, we have also done quick overviews how poultry systems compare and differ. This information is intended as a way to get you started into researching what poultry system may be best suited for you.