There are basically 3 poultry flock types that you can raise. These are layers, broilers and mixed.
Since releasing Kukufarm app, we have received a lot of support from poultry farmers. In addition to gaining over 2,500 downloads in no time, we have received feedback that has helped us improve Kukufarm. We thank poultry farmer community for the continued support
In this article we present the rankings of layers, broilers and mixed flocks in our farmer community.
Poultry flock type ranking
From our poultry farmer community, here is how layers, broilers and mixed poultry flocks rank by percentage.

Our farmer community data suggests that at least half of all flocks managed using Kukufarm are raised for egg production. In addition, almost 30% are raised for meat. Finally, mixed flocks come in at almost 20%.
What flock types do you raise?
Poultry flock types
Poultry flock types are usually categorised by purpose. As already mentioned above, there are mainly 3 flock types, namely:
- Layers – raised for egg production purposes
- Broilers – raised for meat production
- Mixed – raised for both egg and meat production. Sometimes also for breeding.
- Ornamental – raised for ornamental and exhibition purposes
- Pet – raised as pet, or companion animals
We do suggest a 4th poultry type of ornamental. That is, poultry birds raised for exhibition purposes. Furthermore, since there are birds that are kept as pets, a 5th category of pet can be suggested still.
However, note that although you can manage ornamental and pet flock types, Kukufarm supports the first 3 categories.
FYI Kukufarm is a poultry app that you can use to manage your poultry farm and keep poultry records. You can get Kukufarm from Google Play or App Store.

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