Kukufarm supports flock management and poultry record keeping so you can focus on the farming itself. In this article, we will briefly discuss 5 tips that will take your poultry management to the next level.
FYI we have YouTube and TikTok channels, where you can find more tips on poultry management and record keeping
Kukufarm offers a number of features that are very handy when it comes poultry record keeping and data based farming. Below are a few key points how you can ace your poultry farming game.
You may also be interested in 2 Ways how to keep poultry finance records, if you have more than one coop.
Poultry record keeping tips
1. Layers, broilers and mixed flocks support
Did you know you can use Kukufarm to manage layers, broilers and mixed flocks? Well, now you do. Moreover, you can use the app to manage various kinds of poultry farms including
- Chicken
- Geese
- Turkey
- Ducks
- Quails

Kukufarm might look simple on the surface. However, it is packed with powerful features to support various poultry farm contexts. What other features do you think Kukufarm should have? Leave a comment below.
2. Manage each flock separately
A number of farmers have asked us whether it is okay to log all their flocks’ data as one or if it is better to do separately for each flock. In response, we made the following video. However, we think the point is so important that we will reiterate it here.
You can log multiple flocks’ performance data as one single record but we do not recommend it. This is because when you do so, you lose context of each individual flock. As a result, when you look back on the records, it will be harder to know what happened to a specific flock, if at all.
For instance, if you’ve 2 layers flocks of different breeds, it is better to track their egg production rates separately. This enables you to compare the two. However, if you do not track egg production separately for each, you lose the ability to know which breed is more productive.
3. Log flock records daily
Just as with any business, log your records daily, if not immediately. These includes key performance aspects including
- Mortalities,
- Egg production,
- Expenses and sales
Failure to do so will result to forgetfulness, which will eventually undermine your whole records keeping effort.
Kukufarm puts your poultry farm in your pocket.
As an app on your phone, Kukufarm gives you an around clock access to your farm. Take advantage of this and get into a habit of logging flock performance data daily.
4. Bookkeeping basics in poultry record keeping
Kukufarm is pretty much a poultry bookkeeping software. In short, with Kukufarm, you can easily log and track flock expenses and sales. Moreover you can do this by day, week, month and overtime.

As a result, Kukufarm gives you a good overview of how your poultry business is doing. Consequently, you do not need special education or a business manager on the clock to do the basics here, Kukufarm does that for you.
However, if you need your bookkeeper or business manager to access your records, you can add them to your farm whenever they need access.
5. Co-manage your farm with your co-farmers
Most small and medium poultry farms are run by more than one farmer. Usually by a couple, or business partners. Whatever the case, do not over burden yourself with managing the poultry farm alone.
Add your co-farmers to your Kukufarm account so that they can help with record keeping and farm management as well.

This will bring your poultry farming partnership alive. Firstly because each co-farmer is always aware of farm and flock status. Secondly, each farmer can log records for the aspects of the farm that they are responsible for.
Moreover, in case one co-farmer or more farmers are not always on the farm, you can add them to your farm so they are always up to date with everything. As a result, it becomes easier for them to know what to ask or suggest regarding the performance of the farm.
6. Archive flock data for future reference
Being able to look back into your flock records, we think will be empowering. For example, say that 3 years ago you had a certain layers of Breed A. However, a few years later you feel as if the Breed A is having a higher mortality or lower egg production rate.
If you have access to both flocks, the current and the one from 3 years ago, you can just look into their data and see the difference. For this reason, among others, we recommend archiving your flock data for future reference.

There will be more insights that we can foretell. Do you know if deep litter is more productive than other poultry systems? Well now you can tag each flock by poultry system. This will increasingly make you a more knowledgeable farmer.
Poultry record keeping key takeaways
- Get started with poultry record keeping as soon as you can
- Poultry records are the gateway to data based farming – you do not want to miss out on the game or the gains
- Log flock performance data daily
- Poultry farming is a collaborative effort, add your co-farmers to your farm
- Archive harvested flocks and keep data for future reference