Poultry vaccination schedule for Kenchic layers

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Poultry vaccination schedule: How to manage flock treatments

min read

Poultry vaccine schedule come in all shapes and sizes. Therefore it is only natural that you as a farmer may wonder which poultry vaccination schedule you should use.

Poultry vaccination schedule management with Kukufarm

In a nutshell, you should only use the poultry vaccination schedule provided to you by your flock supplier. Essentially, such a schedule should fit your flock’s breed, purpose, poultry diseases in your region, among other things.

You do not, and you should not use a generic poultry vaccination schedule. In case you do not have one, you can obtain it from your flock supplier of certified poultry vet.

What is a poultry vaccination schedule

Simply put, a poultry vaccination schedule is a timetable that prescribes vaccinations that you should administer to your flock.

Additionally, a vaccination schedule specifies the time, and administration method to be used. Some go far as outlining the specific conditions under which vaccination should be done, for maximum effectiveness.

Poultry vaccination schedule for Kenchic layers
Poultry vaccination schedule for Kenchic layers

A poultry vaccination schedule is, in a way, is the formula for via which you can achieve optimal flock health and productivity.  

Also see how you can do basic poultry bookkeeping with Kukufarm to keep track of flock sales and expenses. FYI if you’re based in the UK and are a small scale poultry farmer, you need to be register with DEFRA to help combat Avian influenza.

Which poultry vaccination schedule should you use?

ALWAYS use the poultry vaccination schedule purposely made for your flock. We cannot emphasise this enough!

Your poultry supplier, should provide you with your flocks treatment schedule when you purchase chicken from them. 

Poultry vaccination schedule for Kenbro layers
Poultry vaccination schedule for Kenbro layers

You should not at any time, take a random poultry schedule and apply it to your flock since poultry vaccination schedules are unique. That is, each schedule is tailor made for a specific flock breed and purpose. Moreover, vaccination schedule differ by region, and they also change with time.

Failure to administer your flock vaccination schedule as prescribed will result to disaster. Your flock is likely to be of poor health and low productivity. 

How to manage flock vaccination schedule

Essentially, you should manage your vaccination schedule with some tool or app so that keeping track of vaccination activities is easy.

To begin with, you can use a calendar to calculate and mark when vaccination activities for your flocks are due.

However, we recommend using an app such as Kukufarm to automatically track and manage vaccination activities. Specifically, Kukufarm enables you to enter vaccination activities as they are prescribed in your vaccination chart. Moreover, the app then calculates the exact dates for vaccination activities based on your flock age.

Furthermore, Kukufarm enables you to mark vaccination activities that you’ve done. Effectively, this means that for a flock, you can easily tell which vaccines you schedule, which ones you administered and when.

In later versions Kukufarm will support you in the scheduling of more poultry activities such as feeding and egg production cycle.

Kukufarm poultry management and records app

You can get Kukufarm from Google Play and App Store.   


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