Poultry vaccination schedule: injection method


Poultry vaccination schedule: What, why and how to use one?

min read

A poultry vaccination schedule is a vaccine administration timetable for your poultry flocks. As a rule of thumb in poultry farming, disease prevention is better than cure. You will be better off vaccinating your flocks than dealing with the aftermath of disease outbreaks.

There are a number of poultry diseases that are highly infectious. Failure to vaccinate your chicken against these can result in high mortality. Furthermore, your flock will likely not be as productive.

Lack of vaccination, or improper vaccination administration is one of 5 common poultry farming mistakes.

What is a poultry vaccination schedule

A poultry vaccination schedule is basically a timetable for vaccines that you must administer to your chicken. Usually, this is very specific to a flock by region, flock type or purpose, and breed.

Different regions and countries have different poultry diseases. Consequently, poultry vaccination schedules are specific by region, among other aforementioned factors.

Poultry vaccination schedule for Kenbro layers
Poultry vaccination schedule for Kenbro layers

Essentially, a poultry vaccination schedule details the following:

How to use a flock vaccination schedule

In addition to prescribing vaccines, a poultry schedule also specifies the conditions under which each should be administered.

In order for vaccines to have the desired effect and outcome, you must administer them as prescribed and under specified conditions. Failure to do so will certainly result to vaccine ineffectiveness to say the least.

Here’s a deep dive into poultry vaccination, methods and conditions for your interest.

Where can you get a poultry vaccination schedule

You should primarily obtain your flock’s vaccination schedule from your flock supplier. That is, especially if you are a commercial farmer.

Poultry vaccination schedule for Kenchic layers
Poultry vaccination schedule for Kenchic layers

If for whatever reason you cannot get a vaccination schedule from your flock supplier, you can obtain from other trusted sources. For example you can consult with certified poultry vets or certified agro dealers.

Since poultry health is a delicate matter, you should ensure that whatever schedule to obtain is respective for your flock. It should not be a generic copy.

Manage your poultry vaccination schedule with Kukufarm

Tadaa! You can now manage your poultry vaccination with Kukufarm! Update Kukufarm to get the full benefit of latest features.