A flock of Australorp chicks

Pros and cons in free range poultry system: Is this the best system?

min read

Just as is the case with other poultry methods, there are pros and cons associated with free range poultry system.

In this article, we look at key benefits and drawbacks of free range poultry system. However, we acknowledge that your choice for a poultry system may be affected by other factors besides those mentioned here.

Nonetheless, it is worth noting that free range poultry system has the highest positive consumer perception. In contrast to other poultry systems, birds in a free range system are closest to having a natural way of life. As a result, free range system is also viewed as being most conducive to animal welfare.

Free range system defined

In free range housing system, poultry birds have full access to the outdoors where they have free movement, and feeding on vegetation for the better part of the day. In addition, birds have access to a coop for nesting and sheltering from the sun, and at night.

However, free range housing is ideal if you have access to pasture where chickens can feed and roam freely. The bigger the flock, the bigger the pasture required so birds can move freely and have access vegetation.

Pros and cons in free range poultry system

A small coop suffices since birds are only housed at nightRequires bigger land than intensive poultry systems
Requires minimal or zero chicken feedEggs laid in pastures may be lost
Pastures are replenished from litterRequires extra care to ensure birds and their eggs do not fall prey to wild birds and animals
Minimal need for coop cleaningMay not be suitable for certain chicken breeds
Requires less labor in contrast to other poultry systemsNot suited for the application of scientific methods
Birds access a variety of vegetation, bugs and seeds
Viewed as organic poultry farming
Positive consumer perception
Highest animal welfare ratings
A quick overview of pros and cons in free range poultry system

Since we intend to keep this article updated, let us know in the comments section if we’ve missed something. In the meanwhile, you may be interested in experiences from a free range poultry farmer.

Free range poultry system: a rooster pecking at an apple
A free range chicken pecking at an apple

If you are curious as unto how free range system compares to other systems, checkout Free range VS Deep litter system. You may also be interested in pros and cons of folding unit system a system we think is one of the best alternative to free ranging.

For those of you just getting started, have a look at 10 guides on getting started in poultry farming. You may also fancy discussions poultry farmers are having on social media.