Slatted floor housing system

Pros and cons of slatted floor system: Is it any better?

min read

Although you may prefer a slatted floor system for your poultry farm, the system comes with its pros and cons. For instance, it provides a clean living surface for your chicken. However, this requires regular clean up of the slatted floor.

A slatted floor system is one of four intensive poultry housing systems. Your selection of a system may be determined by other factors besides the pros and cons.

Slatted floor system defined

The slatted floor system is also known as wired floor system. In a slated or wired floor housing system, birds are kept on meshed floors that are placed above the ground. This system keeps birds out of contact with the ground. Since the slated or wired mesh serves as the living space, no bedding material is required.

Slatted floor system
Slatted floor housing system

Slated housing enables a cleaner living space since litter falls via the mesh to the ground. This system however, gives less flexibility in space usage. Slated housing system is an alternative when a farmer does not want to use deep litter housing.

Pros and cons in slatted floor system

Our comparison of the benefits and drawbacks of a slatted floor system is not exhaustive. Furthermore, the pros and cons listed are not equal on a one-to-one basis.

Knowledge of poultry housing systems will enable you to understand this contrast. In addition, this comparison will enable you to make an informed decision.

Improved biosecurity:
– Better air quality
– Reduced ammonia levels
– Reduced risk of footpad lesions
Requires regular floor cleaning
Suitable for the application of scientific methodsConsumer perception: medium-to-low
Relatively expensive to set upAnimal welfare rating: medium
Clean living surface
Easier produce handling due to clean living surface
A quick overview of the pros and cons of slatted floor poultry system

Take a deep dive into slatted floor poultry system.

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