Your flock hatch date is one of the essential aspects that determines proper poultry management. We could go as far as to say, it is the foundation to proper poultry management.
In a nutshell, flock hatch date determines the age of your flock. Inescapably, it is on your flock’s age that every flock management activity is hinged, including
- Feeding schedule
- Beak trimming
- Weight monitoring
- Vaccination scheduling
- Flock harvesting
- Egg production cycle

You may also be interested in the importance of monitoring poultry bird weight.
What is a flock hatch date
Poultry birds, as we say, are not born but hatched. Therefore, a flock’s hatch date is the date when the flock was hatched, for lack of better words.
For both commercial and backyard poultry farmers, your flock’s hatch date is so important we cannot over emphasise it. Thus, it is paramount that you know the exact hatch date of your flock in order to manage it properly.

When acquiring a new flock, try to get its hatch date from your flock supplier. For commercial farmers, such information should be readily provided.
Your ignorance of your flock’s hatch date will result to poor flock management. Unfortunately, this is a recipe for disaster. Most likely, you will end up with unhealthy birds, high mortality and poor yields.
How to enter your flock hatch date in Kukufarm
Just as we done already mentioned, your flock hatch date determines your flock’s age. In turn, all flock management activities are done by flock’s age.
Kukufarm is built to ensure that flock management activities are scheduled and managed by flock age.
Firstly, Kukufarm calculates your flock age based on the hatch date you provide. Secondly, it auto-calculates the vaccination dates for you, based on your flock’s age.
Later on, we envision Kukufarm helping you manage your flock schedule. These will include flock harvesting schedule, beak trimming, feeding schedule, weight monitoring, etc. All of these will be auto-dated based on your flock’s hatch date.
You can get Kukufarm from Google Play or App Store.

Essentially, in an ideal situation, when you enter a flock’s hatch date, Kukufarm will auto-create all respective flock activities in the schedule. That is for both layers and broilers, and with schedules customised by breed.